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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ms. Fitz's Quote

One of Ms. Fitz's Favorite Quotes
Several days ago, Veronica commented on my "upbeat" attitude in class. I briefly shared with you the first several lines of one of my favorite teaching quotes. The entire quote is shown below.
“I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It's my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a [student's] life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a [student] humanized or de-humanized.” Dr. Haim Ginott

I strive to live by this quote every day. It is the central focus of my teaching philosophy. During my teaching career, I have had many opportunities to work with, be instructed by, and observe other instructors. It was the teachers with charisma that impressed me the most. Even if I was having a bad day, just being around them lifted my mood. One of my colleagues that I admired the most had a desk plaque engraved with this particular quote from Dr. Haim Ginott. She stated that she would come into school each day and look at that plaque for inspiration.
If I have learned anything in life it is this - Each of us has the ability to control our own "weather". Since my "weather" affects many of you, I prefer to be a sunshine moment in your day, not a hailstorm that beats you down.
Ms. Fitz


PotatoHead said...

I really liked the quote you chose Ms. Fitz and I think I need to follow it ALOT more because lately I have been so crabby I seem to make others crabby as well.

Tammy said...

You are a shining star. I know that everyday when I walk into your classroom that you will be ready to take on another 30 students with a smiling face and positive attitude. Thanks

Veronica said...

I know when I walk in your room for class and I look in your face my mood seems to change and I feel better about myself. You really do make a difference. Thanks

Terri Herrod said...

I wish more instructors had the outlook as you do. I learn so much in your classes and its because you are dedicated to your work. We need more instructors like you.