Welcome CMP Students

Please check the instructions for your first assignment.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Welcome to CMP272 Summer Student

Welcome to CMP 272 Summer 2007 IRP Project Blog Posts.

We will blend reading skills, writing skills, editing skills, and technology in our blog posts.

Your first assignment is to post one of your favorite quotes and share why it has meaning in your life.

  • Demonstrate correct usage of quotation marks.
  • Cite the author of the quote, if known.
  • Write a paragraph to explain the quote's meaning in your life.
  • Proofread your post and verify that it is free of grammar and spelling errors.
If you need help finding a quote or finding the author of a quote, click on this link --> ThinkExist.com

You may respond to posts by other classmates by using the comment feature. Please remember that only encouraging comments will be allowed. Inappropriate materials and/or comments will affect your grade.

Ms. Fitz

1 comment:

Ms. Fitz said...

To add comments, click on the word "comments" and a pop-up window will appear. Type your comment, scroll down and click on the orange bar to "publish your comment".

The envelope next to the word "comments" is to send a link and note by email.