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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

PotatoHead's Quote

"There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way". Christopher Morley

I think this quote really tells it like it is and I like following it. For many years, I tried to live my life to satisfy others and to satisfy myself. Everyday, I worked hard to make others proud and happy and to try and achieve what I felt they wanted me to be and to do. Today, I do what makes ME happy and what is right for my family and me. The more you try and please others, the more you disappoint yourself. I found that out the hard way and I am happy to have finally changed it.


Rapunzel said...

I really like your quote. It tells the truth. You don't need to live your life to satisfy other people. The only one you have to satisfy is yourself.

Erica said...

I really like you quote. It means alot.

.::Ms.Shayna::. said...

I love this quote. I try living my life to satisfy others and it never works because you can never make everyone happy. If some people would actually live by this quote, then I think alot of people would be more happier if they lived their life how they wanted to instead of how everyone else wanted them to.