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Friday, July 13, 2007

Tammy's Quote

"It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself." Eleanor Roosevelt

This is a quote that I have lived by most of my adult life. The quote speaks volumes to me. I read this quote for the first time when I was expecting my first child. At that time, I thought that it meant that you should not ask someone to do a physical act that you would not do. For example, if you are too good to scrub floors, then don't ask someone else to do it for you. As time past, I have grew on the inside with this quote. Now, I feel that the quote means that you are an example to your children, friends, family and the world. Show them the way that you expect to be treated and they will respond to it. Don't do or say anything that you would not want to be said or done to you. This also ties into helping others. If you don't help your neighbors, then they most likely won't help you. This quote also reminds me that if you don't like yourself, no one else will. If you remember this quote, your day will be a little brighter on the inside and bring light to those around you.


PotatoHead said...

This was a good quote and I believe it very much. I only found a few spelling errors but in all she summed it up well.

Velena said...

I like this quote. It is very true. I like your reasons for chosing this quote.

Anna said...

When I first read this, I believed the same thing. Then when she gave her explanation of it, it made a lot of sense. It is a very good quote!

amanda j said...

I agree with this quote also. My father would tell me this and I also thought of it as being physical but grew to learn that when you have children they are looking for someone to follow and someone to look up to you.What you do accounts for their actions.