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Thursday, July 26, 2007


"To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord."
Scripture from the Bible II Cranthians Ch 5: 8

This means what it say's! For anyone who has accepted Jesus into their life as their personal savior and Lord will be with the Lord after death. When they are no longer in the body, they are present with the Lord. This gives me hope because I know I don't have to stay in this wicked world, I can go be with my Savior and Lord forever.


Velena said...

Way to go girl! I believe this world could use a few more poeple who will state what they believe to be the truth!!!!

The man with few answers said...

I agree with you 110%. I am the youth worship leader at Stealey A/G, and know exactly what you mean. This world is becoming a terrible place to live, and I can't wait to see my savior.